Mrs. Ozbun’s Resource Room
Classroom Management System
Education Philosophy:
· All children can learn and, given the right setting and motivation, most children are willing to learn.
· Students, especially ones with special needs, learn differently from one another, and measures taken to teach the way a student learns will lead to success.
· Students’ behaviors respond positively to authoritative, positive support.
Class Expectations:
The Four Bees (to be displayed in the classroom):
· Be Respectful
· Be Responsible
· Be Safe
· Be Kind
Be respectful includes:
- Raise your hand to speak
- Listen when others are speaking
- Talk quietly and politely
- Mind your own business
Be responsible includes:
- Follow directions the first time given
- Complete daily assignments
- Bring things when they are due
- Be honest with your actions
- Clean up after yourself
Be Safe includes:
- Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
- Sit appropriately in your seat
- Enter and exit classroom quietly
- Use materials properly
- Let an adult know where you are
Be kind includes:
- Use kind works
- Be helpful to others
- Give encouragement
- Cooperate with others
- Respect the thoughts and feelings of others
- Include everyone
(The Four Bees were taken, with permission according the website’s terms of conditions, from Catlin’s Arts Magnet school website: Classroom Expectations)
Classroom procedure:
1. Each student will enter the classroom before the class bell rings.
2. Upon entering the class, the student will go to the shelf and retrieve their 3-ring subject binder for the subject they are studying that hour.
3. Each student will be in his or her seat by the time the bell rings, at which time social conversation will end.
4. The first 15 minutes of each class period will be spent on that week’s social and study skill topic. There will be a 10 minute discussion and a 5 minute writing period where the students will write in their skills journal about that day’s discussion or activity. At least 3 sentences are required. The journals will be passed out and collected by the teacher and/or paras. (See Social and Study Skill section for more information.)
5. Each student is expected to work on their particular subject for 60 minutes. Each student will have an individualized binder with a checklist in the front outlining the assignments for their particular unit. While a standard curriculum and textbook will be used, each student’s education plan can and will be adjusted according to needs. Paraprofessionals will be on hand to assist throughout the period as well as, of course, Mrs. Ozbun. Interventions will be made according to each students’ IEP.
6. Any assignment earning a D grade or lower will be redone with the help of a staff member. The final grade will then be averaged between the two grades earned. For example, if a student orders a 60% on an assignment, they will redo it with a staff member, at which time they will have 100%. Their final grade will be (100 + 60)/2, or 80%.
7. All students that have completed a successful 60 minutes of work without behavior issues may have the last 15 minutes for quiet “free time.” (See behavior plan for more about behavior issues.)
8. On Fridays, during free time, rewards will be given for both scores of “A” received during the week as well as number of slips in the Bee Box. (See Social and Study Skill section for more information.) Drawings of tickets will take place for each A and each entry in the Bee box. Tickets will be exchanged for the reward printed on the ticket. Rewards range from pieces of candy (most of the rewards) to a movie day for the class (only two or three tickets will have this in a bowl of 50 or more tickets) and may also include pencils, pens, or other small prizes. Movie days are a day off for anyone in the class who is caught up on their work. (Also a great day to GET caught up on their work.)
The first 15 minutes of each period will be spent working on social and study skills. Each week will have a particular topic, such as accepting responsibility, appropriate behavior in the lunchroom, being prepared, appropriate behavior for walking through the halls, treating others with respect, etc. The topic will also be shown to tie into the four “B’s” of classroom expectations. Each day will have 10 minutes of discussion and/or activities, such a role-playing. 5 minutes will then be spent with their journals, writing their reactions to the day’s lesson. 3 sentences minimum will be required.
In addition, on Mrs. Ozbun’s desk will be the Bee box. When a student, teacher, or para sees a student displaying that week’s or any week’s social and study skill, or showing an outstanding example of one of the four “B’s,” they will write it down on a Bee form, including both their name and the name of the student observed, and put it in the Bee box on Mrs. Ozbun’s desk. On Friday, the Bee forms will be counted, and for every Bee form a student has, they may draw for a ticket reward as explained above in Classroom Procedures.
Classroom Behavior Plan
The first level of the classroom behavior plan is the classroom expectations, social and study skills lessons, and Bee Box rewards. These strategies will seek to set a positive educational environment that encourages positive behavior. Staff will be expected to offer positive reinforcement to students in the form of praise and encouragement. The displayed “Four B’s” is the classroom matrix of expected behavior, as recommended by the website.
Behavior issues will be divided into three tiers: intermittent/mild, moderate, and severe.
When a student does not meet a classroom expectation and it is a stand-alone, once in a while infraction, they will receive a warning and a mark in Mrs. Ozbun’s daily behavior record. Every mark is five minutes off free time. If more than three marks are received in a day, an after-school detention in Mrs. Ozbun’s room will be issued. This will be 30 minutes of work, timed. If the student is working, the timer will be going; if the student stops working during the detention, the timer will stop until the student is working again. All students that miss any free time during a class period must have a conference with Mrs. Ozbun during free time to determine the source of the behavior (are they tired? having a bad day?), talk about how they did not meet classroom expectations and how to prevent the behavior in the future. This meeting should end in encouragement, such as “I know you can go the whole hour without talking to your friends. I believe you can do it. We’ll try again tomorrow.”
If a student’s behavior problem persists consistently, Mrs. Ozbun will spend a week to two weeks collecting baseline measurements about the behavior, and then the student, a parent, and Mrs. Ozbun will create a Behavior Contract with clear goals, rewards, consequences, and end date. Upon successful completion of the Behavior Contract, it will be determined among these three parties whether another contract is needed with higher goals. (Behavior Contract forms can be found on pages 63, 65 and 67 of Classroom Management for All Teachers: Plans for Evidence-Based Practice by Ennio Cipani.)
If the student’s behavior does not respond to the contract, or if it becomes dangerous to him or herself or other students, a Functional Behavior Assessment will be completed, and a Behavior Intervention Plan will be created and implemented by the student’s IEP team, or at the very least the student, a parent, an administrator, and Mrs. Ozbun.
Mrs. Ozbun will keep a daily behavior record for each class to keep track of each class’s behavior problems, frequency, etc. See attached form. Mrs. Ozbun also commits to filling out a quarterly Classroom Management Assessment for her classes. See attached form.
Classroom Management Assessment
Bee Form
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Management System
Daily Behavior Log
Classroom Management Assessment
Bee Form
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Management System
Daily Behavior Log
Resources for plan were taken from:
Classroom Management for All Teachers by Plans for Evidence-Based Practice by Ennio Cipani
Catlin Arts Magnet school of Omaha Public Schools:
Personal Experience in both a successful resource room and years of working in successful youth programs